Thursday, September 25, 2008

Another Thursday Evening on Prospect Ave

Alex is on the road to recovery. He started running yesterday at practice, though he has no side to side func- tionality. This evening, he's on the treadmill and bike before lifting. He's happy to be moving forward. 

As you can see below, Peter's the "study hog" tonight...

... though he could do without the photo journalist invading his study zone. 


krause said...

"Most athletic match of the year" - wonder how that look like! I really hope, that Alex can make it back to the field at the end of the soccer-season.
All the best for the match today and the homecoming-party tonight - including black trousers and white shirts! That will look good on casual scandinavian kids.
all the best

Rich said...

Niels-- Peter's match was filled with sprinting, long runs, and hard defending. I was impressed by his athleticism and his energy on the pitch. I can tell you he was some tuckered out at the end of the match and he ate like he hadn't had food in two days at dinner! Good match, and I know he felt good about it. --Rich