Saturday, March 7, 2009

Two Million Meters...almost

Rich rowed right to the edge of two million meters last week. He stopped at what he thought was the magic mark, and... well, as you can see he miscalculated by 89 meters. An oddity of this Concept II rower (or something he has yet to figure out--heck, he's only spent 200 hours on the machine) is that once you stop rowing on a particular day, the LogCard doesn't add more meters. Now, of course it must, but Rich is NOT a numbers guy. Anyway, the next day he hit 2,000,000---you'll just have to trust us. 


Mette Korsgaard said...

We believe you! and we are impressed.
In 400 hours you could row from Maine to Denmark
- instead of spending all your energy in the basement :-)

Rich said...

Your logic reveals a critical flaw in my training!
