Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Peter and Rich headed to Weld on this Wednesday afternoon to explore the lake, check on the camps, and soak in the sun. The temperatures were in the mid-50's F (12.8 C) and the snow was perfect. We ran into a couple of ice fishers who had pulled in one brown trout so far. We skied and snow shoed for an hour and then headed up to Center Hill to climb the small mountain. This photo is taken just in front of the camps at Burt's Point. (Click on photos to enlarge.)


Mette Korsgaard said...

wauw, it sounds great!

Sorry about yesterdays bad joke :-)

Rich said...

You should have seen your boy after that day in the sun running around. He was exhausted. Me, too. We couldn't even make dinner, so we went out to eat with Alex. Nothing like sunshine and exercise.