Thursday, March 19, 2009

Our Neighbors' Home 
(click photos to enlarge)

Our friends Gayle and Kate and their four furry kids live a couple of houses away. Here's a picture of their home in the shadow of the Longfellow Mountains after a recent snowstorm. We've traded a couple of dessert gatherings over the past few weeks as well try to defeat the winter blahs.

Hi Kate! Hi Gayle!


Unknown said...

You still have snow??? And a lot of snow as well! In Brussels the leaves are just starting to appear on the trees, and people are freezing because they think summer is upon us because the sun is out, and they start putting away winter clothes - even though it is actually still only 8 degrees... Very clever northern Europeans! (including myself...)
-Katrine (again from the second google-account)

Rich said...

Katrine, oh yes, we continue to ski. Peter, however, just went out for a run. He'll ski this weekend, I'm sure.